1. Topic-
The topic is the causes of the event, what it was and what happened, and the aftermath and how it ended.
2. Content-
The presentation will include information about how Hitler came to power and started the uproar that began anti-Semitism to start the extermination of the Jews, and whoever did not fit Hitler's ideals. Also, I will include the process of Genocide. Ghettos, concentration camps, and the liberation process. It will feature photos of the prisoners, and also of the people who were in charge of these places. And lastly, what happened after The Holocaust and how it ended.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The students should have a general idea of how it started.
2. The students should know about what was done to the Jews and why.
3. The students should know why The Holocaust ended.
4. Objectives-
1. Students should be listening, and not talking to their peers.
2. Students should fill out the survey they are given without an issue, and ask questions if they need help.
3. I must give a performance that students can learn from, and not be bored by.
5. Materials and Aids-
Smartboard or Projector, and a computer.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Start by talking about what Capstone is, and why I am there to present.
2. Generally explain what my presentation is about.
3. Talk about what the students are going to do once the presentation is over.

B. Development-

1. Go over the PowerPoint slide by slide, explaining pictures and text in a way the students can understand. Start with the causes of The Holocaust, and talk about Hitler's rise to power.
2. Talk about what the main events in The Holocaust were which would include information about the camps and ghettos and what was done in each of them.
3. The end my main presentation, I will talk about Liberation of camps, who was majority involved and what was the aftermath of The Holocaust and who was affected.

C. Practice-

Answer questions at the end.

D. Independent Practice-

Students will fill out a survey about what they learned from the presentation that is about 5 questions long.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)