Subject: The Italian Renaissance
1. Topic-
A three to four-day lesson plan on the Italian Renaissance: Its beginnings (an introduction to the Italian Renaissance), its art and artists, and technological advancements of the Renaissance.
(Although this is listed as a three-day lesson, it could easily be stretched to an entire week, depending on the level of English Language proficiency of students.)
2. Content-
1. Introduction to the Italian Renaissance
2. Renaissance Artists and Paintings
3. Technological Advancements of the Renaissance

Italian Renaissance
Classical Society
Ancient Rome
Ancient Greece
Patrons of the Arts
Leonardo da Vinci
Baldassacre Castiglione
Niccolo Machiavelli
Lorenzo de Medici
Johannes Guttenberg
Movable Type
Printing Press
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Day One: Introduction to the Renaissance
1. To provide students with an understanding of the beginning of the Renaissance through changes in society and the rise of city-states
2. Discuss Renaissance ideas and their inspiration from the ancients, the rise of humanism and advancements in science
3. Introduce and/or the major examples Renaissance art and artists
Day Two: Renaissance Artists and Paintings
1. Introduce students to the major artworks of the Renaissance
2. Foster and understanding between Medieval and Renaissance artwork
3. Have students understand the rationale behind the humanist movement
Day Three: Technological Advancements of the Renaissance
1. Have students understand the history and influence of the printing press
4. Objectives-
Introduction to the Renaissance
1. Students will be able to describe and discuss what changes in society and cities stimulated the beginning of the Renaissance
2. Students will be able to identify what ideas formed the foundation of the Italian Renaissance
3. Students will be able to identify the contributions artists made to the Renaissance
Day Two: Renaissance Artists and Paintings
1. Students will be able to understand what were some important new ideas of the Renaissance
2. Students will be able to understand how the careers of Leonardo da Vinci were alike and different
3. Students will be able to understand how Renaissance artists were funded
Day Three: Technological Advancements of the Renaissance
1. Students will be able to understand how the printing press changed society
5. Materials and Aids-
Diary for daily entries, images and descriptions of the Black Death, copy of an excerpt of Boccacio's "Decamoran", maps of modern and ancient Italy and Europe, copies of Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man", and Botticelli's "Birth of Venus", power point presentation of Renaissance artists and their works, computers/laptops/tablets for Renaissance Webquest, various texts on Renaissance (selected by teacher), Renaissance inventors worksheet, list of recommended websites for research, organization sheet for artists and artwork, composition paper, pencils
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Day One: Introduction to the Italian Renaissance
1. Students will write a dairy entry for the time period by answering a prompt about how they would have felt living in Florence immediately following the scourge of the Black Death and how they would have felt being a survivor in a world where millions perished. They should describe how they feel and how their environment looks
Day Two: Renaissance Artists and Paintings
1. Students will examine two famous works of Renaissance art "Vitruvian Man" and "The Birth of Venus" and then be asked to identify why these works are considered to be works from the period
Day Three: Technological Advancements of the Renaissance
1. Students will be asked to write a response/reaction paper indicating how they feel the printing press changed society

B. Development-

Day One:
1. Teacher will ask students to consider why the Renaissance occurred, what forces lay behind the new ways of thinking in Italy and the rest of Europe.
2. Volunteers will share their answers with the class
3. Teacher will then list answers on board and include anything that was missed
Day Two:
1. Students will be given a brief PowerPoint presentation on Renaissance Artist and works of art from which students will take notes on organization sheet provided
2. Teacher will point out key elements of artwork and artists and ask for student opinions and observations
Day Three:
1. After a brief introduction to Johannes Guttenberg, students will be asked to write a one-page essay on how they feel the invention of the printing press changed history

C. Practice-

Day One:
1. Students will be broken into groups of four to examine a letter by Lorenzo de Medici and will answer guided questions related to the patronage of the arts during the Renaissance
2. Students will be asked to examine a map of trade routes and answer corresponding guided questions about the geographical advantages that helped spur the Italian Renaissance
Day Two:
1. Through a PowerPoint presentation students will be guided through major artworks, artists, and their importance in the Renaissance
Day Three:
After a brief introduction to Guttenberg and the printing press, students will write their reaction to how this invention changed the world and helped bring on the Renaissance

D. Independent Practice-

Day One:
1. Students will be asked to view a short youtube video for homework and complete a viewing guide question sheet
Day Two:
1. Students will, on their own, for homework, evaluate two more examples of artwork from Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and compare them using a Venn diagram
Day Three:
1. Students will complete a Renaissance inventions worksheet focusing on the many inventors and inventions from this time period

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Since this lesson will be taught to mostly intermediate and advanced level ESL students, the pace and time frame of the lesson can and should be modified to assist in understanding. The lesson is listed as a three-day lesson, but would most likely stretch into a full week of instruction once review and re-teaching of key concepts have been employed.
2. Other accommodations include peer grouping with speakers of the same language and ability
3. Increased time for certain assignments
4. The allowance for certain tasks to be completed and worked on at home

F. Checking for understanding-

Day One:
1. Students will complete and exit slip answering "How did Lorenzo de Medici's family values shape the origins of the Renaissance
Day Two:
1. Students will answer the following questions to be handed in for homework: How did Leonardo achieve fame? Why was Michelangelo such a successful artist?
2. Students will write about their favorite work of art from the period describing what it is they like about it and why it is representative of the period
Day Three:
1. The assessment of learning will be from a sharing of responses to the essay students wrote at the beginning of the class and a teacher-lead discussion of points brought up and missed
2. Students will be asked to investigate further one example of an invention from the Renaissance and write why they feel this was such an important advancement for the period

G. Closure-

1. Students will be asked to write and share a one-page essay on what they learned about the Renaissance and why it was such an important period in history
2. Students will be taken on a field trip to an art museum to view more works from the period
7. Evaluation-
1. A portfolio of all work: essays, worksheets, response/reaction papers, guided question sheets, and notes from class will be collected and evaluated for completeness and understanding
2. A general, group class discussion on what was learned from the lesson and why this time period was so important in history.

This Lesson Plan is available at (