Subject: European Studies
1. Topic-
What States Make Up the Mediterranean Region?
2. Content-
Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece are the major countries located in the Mediterranean region, or Southern Europe.

Many cultural ties link these nations. The languages used in the region reflect those connections.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
NC: SCS: Social Studies NC: Grade 6 G6- South America And Europe

COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will use the five themes of geography and geographic tools to answer geographic questions and analyze geographic concepts.

1.01 Create maps, charts, graphs, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places and regions in South America and Europe.

1.02 Generate, interpret, and manipulate information from tools such as maps, globes, charts, graphs, databases, and models to pose and answer questions about space and place, environment and society, and spatial dynamics and connections.

COMPETENCY GOAL 11: The learner will recognize the common characteristics of different cultures in South America and Europe.

11.01 Identify the concepts associated with culture such as language, religion, family, and ethnic identity, and analyze how they both link and separate societies.

COMPETENCY GOAL 12: The learner will assess the influence of major religions, ethical beliefs, and values on cultures in South America and Europe.

12.03 Identify examples of cultural borrowing, such as language, traditions, and technology, and evaluate their importance in the development of selected societies in South America and Europe.
4. Objectives-
Students will learn and be able to relate to their peers from the Mediterranean region.

Students will learn of the cultural influence of this region on other cultures around the world
5. Materials and Aids-
"A Journey Through Europe, Russia, and South America,"� Textbooks
"A Journey Through Europe, Russia, and South America,"� Online Resources
Maps, Globes & Charts
Art supplies
Blank Maps
Greek Alphabet displayed on the SMART BOARD.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Have students show their passports as you call out the roster.

B. Development-

Use PowerPoint to deliver the content for Chapter 14, Lesson 1. You may have students

C. Practice-

Have students write out the Greek Alphabet, either on construction paper or on their desks with a dry erase marker.

D. Independent Practice-

For extra credit: Students may answer the questions at the end of Ch 14, Lesson 1.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Modify assignments (per ELL, IEP & 504; and as needed for all others)
Cooperative groups/Peer tutor
Enrichment activities
Read aloud & textbook audio

F. Checking for understanding-

In the passports, have students complete the following under section 1 for each of the 4 countries:
1. a) What is the national language? Is the language of this country a romance language?
b) Who are the ancestors of these people?

G. Closure-

Check agenda page in Passport booklets as students leave. Students should have written their homework in the appropriate space. Tell students to have their parents to initial their agendas over the weekend.

This Lesson Plan is available at (