1. Topic-
Why Did the Weimar Republic Collapse?
2. Content-
Understanding the problems that existed as a result of the structure of the Weimar Constitution will help students explain why the Weimar Republic failed, as well as explaining the rise of Adolf Hitler (unit's "over arching question').
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The problems that plagued the Weimar Republic will be identified and clarified.

2. The goal is to ultimately simplify what is a complex problem by allowing students to clearly identify each problem, and eventually to learn how the combination of these problems eventually led the collapse of the government.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will identify the components of the Weimar Constitution.

2.Students will analyze the constitution with the purpose of learning why it ultimately failed.

3. Students will analyze how the weakness in the structure of the constitution allowed for the rise of Adolf Hitler.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. PowerPoint Presentation
2. Copies of the Weimar Constitution.
3. Students are in the process of reading Chapter One of Eric Weitz's "Weimar: Promise and Tragedy."
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Students will answer the warm up question which is a review of "Problem #1: Hyperinflation and Economic Depression"

Time: 7-10 minutes.

B. Development-

1.Students will assemble in their previously assigned groups.

2.We will review as a class the "highlights" from Tuesday's "scenario" activity.

3.Student groups will be assigned a section of the Weimar Constitution. Each group will be responsible for "translating" their section to the rest of the class, who will add the other groups' responses with their own (thus giving the class the full knowledge of the document).

C. Practice-

1.Teacher will be moving between groups answering questions and clarifying terms when necessary.

2. Students should be interacting with each other to define, clarify, and "translate" their section of the document.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Reading: "Weimar: Promise and Tragedy" chapter one test and outline due 12/6/2010.

2.Students will be assigned an exit ticket as a means of assessing the effectiveness of the activity, and the level of understanding achieved (whether further enrichment will be necessary).

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.2.Groups with 4 members indicates that one student has been purposely added to assist students who might find difficulty or don't have as high a abstract reasoning capability.

2.Students who's work habits are inconsistent have an opportunity to earn points apart from home work and essay ( i.e. Phil Roberts, Conrad Holt)

F. Checking for understanding-

Asking a few pointed questions regarding the content of the document (and impress upon students that the subject of Tuesday's warm-up will be a brief quiz on the content of the document).

G. Closure-

Exit ticket
7. Evaluation-
1.Measuring effectiveness through student responses to pointed questions.

2.Responses to exit ticket that reflect an understanding of the constitution.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Effectiveness of activity will determine whether re-teaching, or enrichment will be necessary.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)