1. Topic-
Building Language Skills: Dice Game Fun! |
2. Content-
Let's Name Things!: naming items in a given category
Tell All About It!: describe an object with a given characteristic
Recalling Key Story Elements!: recall a specific element from a short
Vocabulary: Problem, Solution, setting, characters |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
SL 2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
SL2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order
to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen
understanding of a topic or issue.
SL 2.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation
to provide requested detail or clarification.
L 2.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships
and nuances in word meanings. |
4. Objectives-
Students will answer wh- questions about 3-5 lines from a story
read out loud with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
Students will ask and answer wh- questions words (who,what, where,
when, and why) to obtain information in 4/5 opportunities.
Students will identify key information (character, setting, action)
from a short story read aloud with 80% accuracy.
Students will identify four to five items that belong in a given category
with 90% accuracy.
Students will used describing words when shown an object or picture
90% accuracy.
Students will monitor their speaking fluency during these activities. |
5. Materials and Aids-
dice container
Student Direction Sheets
Student Direction Reminder Strips
Task cards
monster money
star charts
date stamp
ink pad |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
The students will roll the dice to determine the "Mon'star'" of
the day by deciding highest or lowest number to win. Student selected
will then pick who goes next until the sequence of the students has
been decided.
B. Development-
The SLP will explain each task. She will show the students the direction
sheets and explain how to correlate the number spun on the spinner
to the number on the direction sheet/direction reminder sheet. The
students will be awarded monster money for correct answers. |
C. Practice-
Each student will have a turn. On his/her turn, the student will
spin and determine what the task is for the number spun. The student
will then respond using a complete sentence in accordance with the
student direction sheet for designated task. |
D. Independent Practice-
The SLP will consult with the classroom teachers to see if the students
are incorporating any of these skills into the general classroom setting. |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
Instruction has already been differentiated in the format of the
IEP> |
F. Checking for understanding-
The students' performance will be logged on a data sheet. Positive
reinforcement as well as the tangible reinforcement (monster money)
will be provided for correct answers. Discussion will take place if
student gives an incorrect response. |
G. Closure-
The students will count their monster money and determine who had
the most/least and the sequence of the money from lowest to highest. |
7. Evaluation-
The SLP will review the data sheet tallies to determine the students'
performance for this therapy session and to plan the tasks for the
next therapy session. |