1. Topic-
2. Content-
Feelings Vocabulary: Surprised, happy, scared, sad and angry.

Simple present structure for giving personal description: -I'm happy- She's sad-
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to identify some basic feelings in English
2.Students will be able to name their own and their classmates 'feelings in English.
4. Objectives-
1. Identify the basic feelings in English
2. Associate each feeling with its respective face expression
3. Apply the basic feelings in English through oral sentences.
5. Materials and Aids-
Flash Cards,sticks with faces and a feelings' worksheet.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. The teacher is going to develop an Ice Breaker, asking to their students how they feel today (How are you today Carlos? How are you Luisa?)

The student are going to answer to the question.

2. The teacher is going to write the agenda and the date. Later is necessary to socialize why he/she asked those questions, and why are important the feelings in our lives.

Student will be listening. They can participate if they want to say why feelings are important.

Time: 5 minutes

B. Development-

1.The teacher is going to explain through flash cards the feelings , associating the name of each feeling with an image. The repetition will be used for a better memorization. ( T: Please, class repeat: "He's scared", look this image, what feeling is this? )

Student will repeat what they teacher ask ( T: Please, class repeat: "He's scared", look this image, what feeling is this? )

2. A quickly review of the vocabulary with the Flashcards will be used to introduce the next practice activity. Teacher can also gives examples making face expressions.

Time: 20 minutes

C. Practice-

1. The teacher is going to give the instructions for the next activity students are going to listen quietly. If they have doubt they can ask at the final of the explanation.

2."Sticks with feelings"

Each student will receive a stick with a face expression. There will be sticks with happy faces, bored faces, sad faces, surprised faces and scared faces.

You will ask to the student to say what feeling he/she has, and what feeling does their classmates have. Their need to use -I'm surprised- -She's bored-. The teacher can modulate the sentence at the beginning of the activities.

It will be a good ,to write the structure of the sentences of the board if is needed. An student can follow it, and say -I'm scare" Dianna is Sad" (Classmate).

Time: 15 minutes

D. Independent Practice-

1.The teacher is going to explain the final activity of the class , a woorksheet. The class will be organized in pairs

2. Worksheet: "Match the feeling"

The teacher is going to hand out to each pair a worksheet. They will have to match the draw with its respective feeling.

Students will have to complete the worksheet in pairs, matching the image on the paper with its respective feeling. This will clear the vocabulary and associate expressions with feelings to a better understanding.

Time: 10 minutes

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. If there are not sticks with face expressions or some of them get unstick,the Flashcards can be used as a replacement.
2. If there is a problem with the worksheet, the teacher can simulate the worksheet in a paper, drawing the face expressions and the feelings' name on a side, as a replacement.
3. Some student may finish first, to not loose the class's organization, they can be putted to make some sentences with the feelings, as a reinforcement.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. The teacher will provide a feedback of the sticks' activity. Correcting mistakes or doubts among the students.

The student will be able to ask questions if they didn't understand something. They have to listen carefully feedback

2. During the worksheet part, the teacher can monitor the students involvement and progress, seeking if they need help. But is important to not give the answers, because the worksheet will be considered as the evaluation of the understanding.

Time: 4 minutes

G. Closure-

1. After the worksheet, the teacher is going to put a video that has in it, some feelings reviewed in class. The student will stand up from their sits, and represent the commands in their video.
Video: "If You're Happy

2. After the video, the class will be finished. Students will be requested to organize their sits and review the vocabulary. A homework can be assigned.

Time: 6 Minutes
7. Evaluation-
The teacher is going to pick up the worksheets to measure the understanding of the class.

In the next classes, more feelings are going to be seen, as its categorization (positive and negative feelings) and the sentence structures will be reinforced to do a formal evaluation.
8. Teacher Reflection-
The use of the L1 can appear during class, this is unavoidable but it has to be considered for planing future activities in the next classes.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)