1. Topic-
Patient Education for Teachers Regarding their Students with Disabilities
Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
To provide teachers with information regarding the diagnosis, common characteristics, and need for accommodations for students with a variety of disabilities.
1. After being provided an information packet, the teacher will be able to accurately describe 5 of the most common characteristics associated with the student's diagnosis, 100% of the time.

2. By having a better understanding of the student's diagnosis and characteristics, the teacher will fell more confident in their ability to meet the individual needs for the child, 85% of the time.
Materials and Aids-
1. PowerPoint presentation
2. Handouts
3. Internet resources
4. Copy of student's IEP

A. Introduction-

The lesson will begin with an introduction from the therapist and a very brief and simple explanation of the student's diagnosis.

B. Development-

First, the therapist will have the teacher fill out a brief survey rating their confidence level (1-5) in meeting the child's needs.
Next, the therapist will go over a PowerPoint presentation with the teacher, leave handouts for teacher to review at a later date, provide Internet resources for additional information, and provide copy of specific child's IEP.

C. Practice-

Therapist has teacher access Internet resources while they are together to ensure competence in this area.

D. Independent Practice-

Teacher reviews handouts, resources, and child's IEP on their own.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Therapist will take into consideration the teachers lack of medical knowledge and time constraints when developing materials.

F. Checking for understanding-

Therapist will ensure that teachers understand the medical terminology used in the information.

G. Closure-

Therapist answers any questions that the teacher has regarding the information they were provided and provides contact information to answer any questions that may arise at a later date.
1. Two weeks later, the therapist will ask teacher to recite 5 characteristics of the child's diagnosis.
2. Therapist will provide teacher with post-test survey to determine if their confidence level (1-5) has increased since reviewing the information they were provided.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)