Subject: Social Emotional Learning
1. Topic-
Being Assertive
2. Content-
Lesson Concepts:

- Being assertive means asking for what you want or need in a calm and firm voice.

- Being assertive is a respectful way to get what you want or need.

Key Words:
- Respectful
- Passive
- Aggressive
- Assertive
- Calm
- Firm

3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Knowing how to ask for help is an important Skill for Learning. The ability to communicate assertively not only contributes to academic success, it is also important for solving problems and standing up for oneself or others.
4. Objectives-
Students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate assertive communication skills in response to scenarios

2. Determine which adult to ask assertively for help in response to scenarios
5. Materials and Aids-
Sing and Step CD
Lesson Card 3
Following Through Card 4
Skills for Learning poster
Doodles, set of 6
Skills for Learning card: Be Assertive
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-


1. Review - Show Lesson Card 3 (clipped to the whiteboard) and review self-talk Skill for Learning. Use the script on the back of Lesson Card 4 Warm-up Review

a. Let's listen to "Be a Learner." When you hear an example of self-talk, cup your hands around your mouth. (Model for students)

b. Play the song.

c. Brain Builder: Doodle Dance
- Follow the script on the back of the Lesson Card 4
i. Hold up a doodle.
ii. Students do the matching dance move.
iii. Hide the doodle to cue students to stop.
iv. Students stop dancing

Using self-talk helped you learn and remember what dance move matched each doodle.

B. Development-

Story and Discussion
- Show the photo on the front Lesson Card 4
and follow the script on the back.

"Today you're going to learn how to get what you want or need in a respectful way - by being assertive." ...

C. Practice-

Skill Practice - Use the Be Assertive card to remind students of what it means to be assertive - how to be assertive. Assign partners as As and Bs.

1. Read the scenario out loud (from Scenarios section on the back of Lesson Card 4)

2. Have Partner As say, "Be assertive!"

3. Have Partner Bs tell who they would ask and what they would say.

4. Call on pairs of students to demonstrate.

5. Have students switch roles for each new scenario.



Wrap Up - Read the script on the back of Lesson Card 4


This Lesson Plan is available at (