1. Topic-
Classroom Rules (First Days of New School Year) |
2. Content-
Social Studies --- Government ---- The need for rules and why we
need government in our life. Key vocabulary: government, rules, choice,
cooperation, respect, acceptance, majority |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
At the conclusion of this lesson: 1. Students should be able to
recognize the need for rules and government. 2. Students should be
able to explain the following terms from the natural rights philosophy:
natural rights, state of nature, social contract and consent. 3.Students
should be able to explain the problems that come within a state of
nature and their possible solutions and compare their ideas with those
of John Locke. 4. Students should be able to explain how government
and laws can protect natural rights.
4. Objectives-
Third Grade Social Studies Competency Goal 1 The learner will characterize
qualities of good citizenship by identifying people who made a difference
in the community and other social environments. Objectives 1.01 Identify
and demonstrate characteristics of responsible citizenship and explain
how citizen participation can impact changes within a community. |
5. Materials and Aids-
Materials: 1.Text book 2.Paper 3.Pen 4.News print for each station
5.Marker for each station 6.Timer |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
Explanation: This is a lesson plan that I would start on the first
day of school with a new class. Possibly this lesson could take a
week or more to bring to completion, depending on the students. This
first lesson will go to establish classroom rules. The succeeding
classes would further expound on and identify problems with a world
that is stuck in a "state of nature" and also a classroom that is
administrated by a "state of nature". Then lead the class in capturing
what has been taught by "government" and have them apply these concepts
and precepts into their daily living. Focus and Review: Learning about
our American History and our United States Constitution can be fun
as well as educational. As an educator, I want these areas to become
alive for my students, to convince my students that every day they
are living a part of history of our country and how these historical
events have affected their own lives. |
B. Development-
Statement (Inform student of objectives): Why do we need a government?
Lesson introduces the basic concept of the "natural rights" philosophy.
The students should recognize the need for rules and government after
the first ten minutes of class. The students will be asked to describe
how they liked the class when it was being regulated by the "state
of nature". John Locke the English philosopher will be introduced
and the students will discuss how his concepts were used in preparing
a regulated government that would protect each person's natural rights. |
C. Practice-
Teacher Input: Who's in charge? Guided Practice: To be aware of
the need for rules and government. 1. The teacher writes on the board:
"This is a government class, for the next 10 minutes, we shall explore
government." 2. Make no further comments. Answer no questions. Stand
or sit for next 10 minutes (You may need to shorten this time if complete
chaos erupts) 3. Give explicit directions as to: (be very piercing
and direct) Where they should sit Lesson assignment -- book, pages,
and so on Students distribution of books (or other materials to be
used) Reading assignment Materials should: a.) define government as
an institution that makes and enforces laws at federal, state, and
local levels. b.) describe its function to maintain social order,
provide public service, and provide security and to make binding decisions.
4. Discuss by stating that they had a good example at the beginning
of class of what happens when there is no direction, no authority,
no one to make decisions, to live in a "state of nature" (Let the
class express feelings.) |
Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
Groups of five as designated by the teacher. Make sure you have
(as this is first of school year) read the folders for each child
and have made your groups accordingly. |
Checking for understanding-
Roaming the room you can see what is being written by the different
groups and if they are cooperating etc.. you will also see the answers
to the five questions: 1. What might happen in the classroom if there
were no rules or laws? 2. What might happen if there were rules and
laws, but no one to make sure people obeyed them? 3. What might happen
if there were rules and laws, but no one to settle disagreements about
them? 4. Write five (5) rules for our classroom. (Keep in mind these
rules should benefit all and be accepted by the majority). By observation
you will be able to stop and give constant feedback to each group
as they work. |
My main purpose in using these books and teaching about our American
History and our United States Constitution is to provide the students
a chance to want to study the subject further and to give them a sense
of pride in our American history and our past which leads to our future.
The students take a more active role in learning when they are allowed
to use the information given to them and be able to actively use the
lesson(s) right away and see results. |
7. Evaluation-
What is taking place in the groups? Is there structure? Are they
cooperating? Have they "elected" different positions in their group,
such as recorder, timer, etc...? What types of rules are being considered?
Has an attempt been made to answer the five presented questions? After
the rules have been voted on and established for the class are they
being followed or does the class need to revisit the selection process.
This can be evaluated over the next few weeks and also the entire
year. |