Subject: Staying in School
1. Topic-
Encourage Youth to Stay in School
2. Content-
The content of of this presentation includes The content of this presentation includes both meaningful and factual information that is meant to empower youth to recognize the importance of maintaining a mindset that allows them to feel the need to stay in school which is a vital component to an anticipated future of success.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Give students a better perception of why education is so important in today society.
2. Provide a forum that causes the students to start thinking about their future, and methods of achieving their life's goals
3. Empower the students to be charged about planning for success.
4. Objectives-
1. Provide dropout stats that are both relative and thought provoking.
2. Create an environment that allows students to be open about how they feel concerning school and life achievement
3. Provide critical thinking questions and interactive opportunities that allow students to hear the thoughts and answers of others in their age group.
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint Presentation which will include a projector screen, projector, and a laptop or pc.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Ask questions to familiarize the students with the group facilitator
2. Ask questions about their current feeling prior to any information being given out

B. Development-

There will be slides that show some popular celebrities that the youth of today admire for their image and status. The slides will display visual support and information to show how these same pop "�culture figures stayed in school which help shape them into the status icons in which they are today.

C. Practice-

Allow students to mentally and verbally rehearse aloud what they want to be and how they believe education can and will contribute to the process of reaching their desired success. This will be more like a roundtable forum in which there isn't a right or wrong answer. However, it is the facilitator's job to make sure that all thoughts are navigated into a certain thought direction that promotes both environmental positively and learning.

Checking for understanding-

Provide a question and answer portion of the presentation to ensure understanding of the information that was presented.


Conclude with affirming facts and statements that allow the students to believe in themselves and to be motivated to achieve great things.
7. Evaluation-
Do a student evaluation, maybe a short 3 question survey that allows students to select how they felt the information was delivered, if they felt they received good information from the presentation, and what would they change about the presentation to make it more exciting if anything. Keeping it anonymous allows the students to say what they are really feeling even if the comments are a little obnoxious.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Ask yourself
1)What was the general response of the students?
2)Were they engaged?
3)Did they verbally and physically participate?
4)Did they ask question and if so how many, and how often?

This Lesson Plan is available at (