Subject: Engineering the Future
1. Topic-
Students will develop a concept map detailing the steps of the "Engineering Design Process" (E/D P).
2. Content-
Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework

1. Engineering Design
Central Concepts: Engineering design involves practical problem solving, research, development, and invention/innovation, and requires designing, drawing, building, testing, and redesigning. Students should demonstrate the ability to use the engineering design process to solve a problem or meet a challenge.

1.1 Identify and explain the steps of the engineering design process: identify the problem, research the problem, develop possible solutions, select the best possible solution(s), construct prototypes and/or models, test and evaluate, communicate the solutions, and redesign.
1.2 Understand that the engineering design process is used in the solution of problems and the advancement of society. Identify examples of technologies, objects, and processes that have been modified to advance society, and explain why and how they were modified.

Massachusetts Technology Literacy Standards
Grades 9 through 12 "� Technology Standards and Expectations
G9-12: 1.32 Identify technology tools (e.g., authoring tools) that can be used to create a multimedia product.
G9-12: 1.33 Use a variety of applications to plan, create, and edit multimedia products (e.g., slide presentations, videos, animations, simulations, podcasts).
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To create a concept map detailing the E/D P.
2. To work cooperatively in a group setting.
3. To communicate effectively using a multimedia tool.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will create a concept map of the E/D P.
2. Students will work cooperatively in a group setting.
3. Students will communicate effectively using a multimedia tool.
5. Materials and Aids-
Engineering the Future textbooks
Computer Lab with Inspiration and LCD projector
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Students will be introduced to the concept of the E/D P by discussing the scientific method.
2. Students will watch a short video from Nightline called The Deep Dive, where they will see the E/D P used in real life.
3. Teacher will lead large group discussion on how to best organize difficult concepts.
4. Inspiration will be introduced to the group using LCD projector.

B. Development-

1. Students will use textbook along with info from The Deep Dive to identify the eight steps of the E/D P.
2. As a large group, the teacher will enter two of the steps from the E/D P into the concept map.
3. Teacher will manipulate the two steps from the process by changing colors and shapes and showing connections by establishing links between the steps.

C. Practice-

1. Students will start their own concept map by first entering all eight steps of the E/D P.
2. Students will manipulate the eight steps by positioning them strategically.
3. Students will further develop concept map by establishing links between the first eight steps.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will establish second tiers where appropriate behind the primary eight steps.
2. Students can alter colors and shapes to establish further connections between nodes.
3. Students will choose clip art images from Inspiration to represent each of the eight steps of the E/D P.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students will be paired heterogeneously.
2. All accommodations from IEP's will be taken into consideration.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Teacher will circulate around the lab as groups are working to make sure groups are on track.
2. Students will monitor the progress of their group. If they get stuck, they can get help from classmates or teacher.

G. Closure-

1. Groups will present their concept map to the class using the LCD projector.
2. Students will utilize rubric to self assess their concept map.
7. Evaluation-
1. Students will be evaluated using rubric (attached to lesson plan).
2. Students will write a self reflection about their experience using concept maps to learn about the Engineering/Design Process.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Reflections will be recorded after the lesson is complete.

This Lesson Plan is available at (