1. Topic-
Getting Started in PowerPoint
2. Content-
Starting PowerPoint Saving a presentation Exiting PowerPoint
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to launch the program, save a file, and exit the program. The student will also be able to correctly identify the default file extension of a PowerPoint program.
4. Objectives-
The student will demonstrate the ability to: Identify the Program Manager and PowerPoint icon via the Start menu. Be able to launch the PowerPoint program via the program's icon in Program Manager. Open a new file. Save a file. Exit the program. Identify the naming convention for a PowerPoint file (.ppt). If present or time permits, the student will also demonstrate the ability to: Identify the PowerPoint shortcut (if present) on the desktop or toolbar. Launch the PowerPoint program via the PowerPoint shortcut. Repeat the "save and exit" exercise.
5. Materials and Aids-
MS Office
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

PowerPoint is a software program used to create presentations. People use it to make overhead transparencies or to do on-screen presentations using a projector interfaced to the computer. PowerPoint comes with built-in background designs, colors, special effects, artwork, font styles, and even ways of animating.

B. Development-

Here, you can see some of the built-in samples that come with PowerPoint. Now it's your turn.

C. Practice-

1. Start Microsoft Windows.
2. Click Start.
3. Select Programs from the menu.
4. Select MS PowerPoint.
5. Doubleclick to open the program. PowerPoint starts and a new file opens. Remember, whenever you're creating files, it's a good idea to save your work on a regular basis. So even right now we won't be creating any slides, we're going to save a practice file.
6. Choose Save from the File menu. Because you're saving the file for the first time, the Save As dialog box appears.
7. Type the name of your file--for example, My tutorial--in the File Name box. Note that you don't need to type a file extension. The default file extension in PowerPoint is .ppt. This So if in "My Documents" you had two files, cars.doc and cars.ppt, you would know that one is a Word file and one is a PowerPoint file. 7. If you still want to save the file, click the OK button. If you had changed your mind, you still can cancel even after you type in the filename by NOT clicking the OK button at this point. The file stays on the screen and the new filename, My tutorial.ppt, appears in the bar above the slide on your screen.
8. You can exit PowerPoint at any time you want. Just choose Exit from the File menu. If you just saved your presentation, PowerPoint closes and you return to the Program Manager. If there is a shortcut on the desktop or toolbar, try going into PowerPoint this way:
1. Double-click the shortcut icon.
2. What happens here--does it try to open a new file or does it try to ask you if you want to open the file you just created?? Not sure--you'd have to check.
3. Based on what happens in step 2, if they open their previous file, have them type their initials in the text area and resave the file as part of the independent practice:

F. Checking for understanding-

Can the student find the menu items and icons? Can the student launch the program? Can the student create a new file, Save As a new file, and Exit the program? If time: Can the student get into PowerPoint in other ways besides the Program Manager (i.e., through desktop shortcut or toolbar icon, if present)? Can the student alter the file and resave it?


This was just a very basic introduction to MS PowerPoint--how to launch it, create a file, save a file, and exit. Next time, we'll create a presentation consisting of three slides.
7. Evaluation-
Teacher can observe student following the steps. Student can save a file to a disk and show the teacher where the file is. If the student saved text in the file, the student can print out a copy of the slide.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)