Subject: Computers in Schools
1. Topic-
Internet Research
2. Content-
Online, websites, plagiarism, resources
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Identify Internet research do's and don't
2.Identify Internet research tools
3.Students will learn about plagiarism
4. Objectives-
1.Students will do online research properly.
2.Students will take notes on the most important things.
3.Practice Internet searching individually
5. Materials and Aids-
Computer with Internet access
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Hello students,
Today we will be learning about what Internet research is and why it is useful to us. We've already mentioned something about, but today we will go deeper into the topic.
Hope you enjoy!

B. Development-

1.As a class, we will all practice it on the Promethean board.
2.Then they will practice what they have learned individually
3.I will examples of Internet researching

C. Practice-

As a class, we will be gathered in the computer lab. I will be using the Promethean board to use it for the topic and I will be asking questions and having the students help me with it.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students will have an assignment in class, due individually.
2.They will do basic research on something they like.
3.Their homework will be practicing more researching and talking about it next class.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

If students don't seem to work well individually, they will be put into small groups and work together instead.

F. Checking for understanding-

After a few days of talking and practicing Internet research, I will give them a small multiple choice quiz on the topic.

G. Closure-

I will discuss with the students how great it was doing Internet research with them and I will have them recall some things they thought were important and interesting to them.
7. Evaluation-
I will have a checklist to evaluate each student's performance in the discussions and the activities.
8. Teacher Reflection-
I will ask myself questions about what worked and what didn't? Was the discussion productive? Will I be using the same techniques again?

This Lesson Plan is available at (