Subject: Computer Applications
1. Topic-
Job interview using Collaboration and communications tools
2. Content-
Business Technology
Job interview skills
Skype video conference
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will complete a mock job interview with peers in another classroom or school.
2. Students will be able to communicate remotely using a collaboration tool
4. Objectives-
Students will:
1. use the Internet to find job interview information
2.type a list of appropriate questions
3. type a list of "netiquette" skills for online communication
4.locate the Skype program in the programs list
5.identify and correctly use the features of Skype
6. connect to another Skype user
7. Create interview questions for their classmates to answer
8. Respond to interview questions using Skype
8.Close the Skype program correctly.
5. Materials and Aids-
Computers with Internet for researching interview skills
Skype program installed
Camera installed
Audio speakers installed
Microphone installed
Headphones if needed for some students
projector and screen
or teacher can broadcast to all computers using LanSchool software or Google share where some students will be able to watch at their own pace.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Teacher shows a video of a video conference where a job interview is being conducted.
2.Class discussion regarding appropriate questioning and responding during interview.
3. students prepare interview questions and answers using Internet research

B. Development-

1. Teacher instructs students with a video broadcast of how Skype works
2.Teacher demonstrates Skype interview with another teacher in the building
3.Teacher points out the features and process of video conferencing with Skype

C. Practice-

1.Students locate Skype and practice the procedures.
2.Teacher approaches individual students and asks for demonstrations of the features of Skype and the procedure for connecting with another person.
3. Students connect with another in their classroom for practice.
4. Students provide feedback to each other
5. Teacher responds to student feedback and gives suggestions for improvement


D. Independent Practice-

1.Students connect with Skype to another classroom independent of teacher assistance.
2.Students carry out the interview process over Skype independent of teacher assistance.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Provide headphones for students who may have difficulty with background noise distraction.
2. Allow extra time for students who may need to view the instructional video again.
3.Provide options for interview practice for students who are not comfortable with video conferencing.
Provide audio assistance for sight impaired students to review interview questions.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Rubric provided for student editing and teacher feedback
2. Class discussion after each student interview with suggestions for improvement and highlights of the better examples.
3. Individual student conferences with teacher to discuss improvements if needed.

G. Closure-

1.Test or quiz regarding job interviewing skills based on student research from beginning of lesson.
2. Student reflection of what they learned form the lesson, including the new technology.
7. Evaluation-
Goals and objectives listed in lesson will evaluate student progress. Repeat objectives not met until goals are satisfied.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Teacher will evaluate the effectiveness of this lesson after observing the success of the students to reach the goals and objectives of the lesson.

This Lesson Plan is available at (