1. Topic-
Introduction to KidPix, TuxPaint and Inspiration (1st)
2. Content-
- Story mapping (1st grade)
- Story comprehension
- Computer program navigation (KidPix and/or Tux Paint)
- Review basic computer commands and tasks (save, delete, opening programs, typing names, printing)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will create a project using KidPix, TuxPaint or Inspiration.
2. Students will learn how to save incomplete projects for later use.
3. Students will obtain a better understanding of how technology can be used to enrich all areas of the curriculum.
4. Objectives-
1. SWBAT recall key parts in a story through retelling and active participation.
2. SWBAT locate assigned software icons on desktop and sign in.
3. SWBAT explore "Paint" based software(s) and apply it to the mini lesson.
5. Materials and Aids-
Kindergarten: The Very Hairy Bear
1st Grade: There's a Nightmare in my Closet.

- Tux Paint
- Inspiration
- Kid Pix

- Projector

6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Students enter the classroom and join on the carpet in the front of the room. As a class we will read one of the two books selected (depending on grade level).


B. Development-

Literacy Component:
- Making predictions
- Story sequencing
- Retelling parts of the story
- Discussing characters
- Discussing themes
- Discussing ways to extend the story

- Students return to their seats upon giving instructions.

C. Practice-

1. Teacher will demonstrate how to locate and open correct software.
2. Teacher will demonstrate how to use tools found in the program to create a simple illustration.
3. Teacher will demonstrate how to save project for later completion and how to print completed projects.
4. Teacher will demonstrate how to find saved projects.
5. Teacher will demonstrate how to start a new project.

D. Independent Practice-

Kindergarten (Day 1):
1. Students will open software and input names.
2. Students will then use the tools to create "Name Art."
3. Students will "save" their work.
4. Student can then move onto StarFall, PBS kids or RazKids.

Kindergarten (Day 2)
*After a brief mini-lesson to recap what we learned on Day 1*
1. Students will create a picture to represent their favorite part of the story we read on day 1.
2. Students will use tools, save and/or print projects.

First Grade (40 mins)
1. Students will fill in a blank story map for next class
2. Student can then move onto Starfall, Razkids, KidPix, Tuxpaint or Inspiration for extra practice once 40 min period is up.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. CI children can create a picture of their choosing in TuxPaint or KidPix.
2. CI children can print work and place into Grade Level Portfolio Binders.
3. CI children can then move onto StarFall or RazKids

*Children with severe learning disabilities can work with an aid or myself to complete tasks before moving on to the other activities*

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Completed projects will be printed and placed into Grade Level Binders
2. Students will be observed during Independent Practice by teacher and aids

G. Closure-

1. Students can share their work with their friends before placing it in binders
2. Students will be asked to talk about something that they liked, something that they learned and something that was tricky.
7. Evaluation-
1. Possible rubric (First grade)
2. Ongoing Portfolio for projects

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)