Subject: Computer Applications
1. Topic-
Scratch Animation
2. Content-
Animation, x y coordinates, programming, problem solving
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.create a challenging game/maze using animation software
2. Learn basic programming functions of Scratch Animation Software
3. Utilize design concepts to create a visually appealing & reasonably challenging game by utilizing the available programming functions and strategizing for unique solutions to the presented problem.
4. Objectives-
1. Design a visually appealing maze using Scratch drawing tools
2. Create a Sprite that moves left, right, up, & down using corresponding keyboard arrow keys & Scratch programming functions
3. Program Sprite so that it can not pass through maze walls
4. Incorporate some type of challenge, in the game, by adding other Sprites that move or that chase main Sprite, designing hidden and/or revolving doors,, or by adding other creative features
5. Materials and Aids-
Scratch software
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Inquiry- ask students what they know about animation and Scratch
2. Introduce Scratch, demonstrate examples and basic features of Scratch

B. Development-

1. Have students explore scratch features while teacher models programming features
2. Demonstrate glide, go to, if then features, point towards, move, and out real vent features
3. Highlight that Scratch operates on on x y coordinate system and relate to math concepts

C. Practice-

1. Students design a game/maze by meeting basic design requirements and expanding on the design as they see fit
2. Teacher monitors student activity making suggestions as needed
3. Students ask questions as they design and work through multiple possible solutions

D. Independent Practice-

1. scratch arrow movement
2.inability to move through walls
3. obstacles being utilizes in game
4. game goal and reward
5. Design a neat and organized maze

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Flexibility in design
2. Reteach where needed
3. Instructional video access on teacher cared website
4. Self paced assignment
5.reduction in requirements if part of IEP or at instructor discretion

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Observation of student progress throughout the project
2. Student demonstrates understanding by programming the required components into game
3. Completed project Willie played by instructor and graded on a 20 point Rubric aligned with objectives

G. Closure-

1. Discus feature of Scratch
2. Discuss project
3. Highlight the potential for programming animations utilizing Scratch
4. Encourage students to download the free, educationally based program at home and continue to design and create games.
7. Evaluation-
Progress determined by evaluation the finished products while considering the quality, functionality, and overall creative design
8. Teacher Reflection-
Reflect on the quality of finished products and consider weather instructional strategies where successful or need adjustment
Evaluate student feedback through classroom discussion in regards to how students enjoyed the assignment and weather they plan on utilizing the software at home.

This Lesson Plan is available at (