Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
there is no difference between levels of the animals represented.
only one animal was at the appropriate level for that representation.
two out of three animals were represented at the appropriate level for that animal.
all animals were represented with the correct level for that animal representation.
animal representation
it was unclear what the animal was the child had an unclear explanation of how they came up with the shape.
it was unclear what the animal was the child had an explanation of how they came up with the shape but had to be assisted along the way to find their answer.
It was clear what the animal was the child had an clear explanation of how they came up with the shape.
It was clear what the animal was the child had an clear detailed explanation of how they came up with the shape.
locomotor and non locomotor movement
child did not use the correct locomotor movement for the animals being represented.
child knew the correct locomotor movement for the animals being represented but was unclear in the movements needed.
Child used the correct locomotor movement for the animals being represented with little confidence.
Child used the correct locomotor movement for the animals being represented with confidence.
co-operative working
student could not work with other students.
student worked with other students with prompting and reminders.
Student worked with others but could not work equally.
Student worked well with other students equally.

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