Daily Dance Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Have motion of holding prep position with foot in passe and strong arms in first position. Try to get single rotation.
Be able to do 1 rotation with foot in passeand strong arms in first position. Start to work on two rotations. Also know how to do both left and right sides.
Be able to do 1 rotation and 2 rotations cleanly with foot in passe and strong arms in first position. Work towards 3 rotations on left and right sides.
Be able to do 1, 2 and 3 rotations cleanly with foot in passe and strong arms in first position. Try to do 4 or more rotations on both sides.
Have motion of jumping up and over. Legs are supposed to be split but just work on motion of jump.
Begin to split legs more and have arms placed in opposition to front leg. Be able to do clean motion on both left and right sides.
Have legs split and be able to get lots of height on jump. Have arms in clean opposition to front leg. Be able to have flat jumps on left and right sides.
Have legs split and be able to get lots of height on jump. Have arms in clean opposition to front leg. Be able to have flat jumps on left and right sides. Work to get legs into over split on both sides.
High Kicks
Have arms out to your sides. Hold back and arms straight and strong. Try to kick to 90 degrees or higher with straight legs and pointed toes.
Have arms out to your sides. Hold back and arms straight and strong. Try to kick above 90 degrees with straight legs and pointed toes.
Have arms out to your sides. Hold back and arms straight and strong. Try to kick to shoulder height and have straight legs and pointed toes. Be able to do this on left and right sides.
Have arms out to your sides. Hold back and arms straight and strong. Try to kick to or above your shoulder with straight legs and pointed toes. Be able to do this on left and right sides.
Side Jettes
Have motion of facing back wall, crossing legs left, right, left then to turning to face front with legs out in straddle position with arms held strong out to the sides.
Have left, right, left leg pattern and be aiming to get height on jump with straight legs. Be able to reverse foot work for left side, right left, right.
Have foot patterns on both sides and be able to jump with legs going high while maintaining height.
Have foot patterns on both sides and be able to jump with legs going into over split while getting height on the jump.
Be able to do the motion of plieing before the turn, bringing feet into a tight first position with arms in a tight first position. Be able to do 1 clean rotation.
Have clean motion of bringing feet into first position with arms in first. Be able to do 2 rotations on both sides.
Have clean motion of bringing feet into first position with arms in first. Be able to do 3 rotations on both sides.
Have clean motion of bringing feet into first position with arms in first. Be able to do multiple turns in alternating directions on both sides.

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