Dance Observation Assignment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Completion of Observation Worksheet
The student has completed a limited amount of the questions and described their own thoughts and ideas about the dances he/she viewed. He/she described a limited amount of the movements by the dancers and how they related to the emotions the dancers were communicating through their actions.
The student has completed SOME of the questions. He/she described some of the movements by the dancers and how they related to the emotions the dancers were communicating through their actions.
The student has completed MOST of the questions. He/she generally described the movements by the dancers and how they related to the emotions the dancers were communicating through their actions.
The student has completed EVERY question. He/she specifically described the movements by the dancers and how they related to the emotions the dancers were communicating through their actions.
Overall Dance Observations
A limited amount of the students' observations match the descriptive words he/she circled on his/her observation sheet.
Some of the students' observations match the descriptive words he/she circled on his/her observation sheet.
Most of the students' observations match the descriptive words he/she circled on his/her observation sheet.
All of the students' observations match the descriptive words he/she circled on his/her observation sheet.

Teacher Comments:


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