Drama Rubric: Fractured Fairy Tales
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Creative Exploration and Drama
-little or no feelings or emotions are conveyed -contributes little to the overall performance -character is not symbolized
-some feelings or emotions are conveyed -some contribution to the overall performance -some symbolization of character
-emotions or feelings are conveyed effectively -consistent contribution to the overall performance -character is symbolized well
-emotions or feelings are conveyed extremely well -contributes to all aspects of the overall performance -character is symbolized extremely well
Technical Incorporation
-uses little or no objects or props -character is not effectively portrayed
-uses some objects or props -character is portrayed with some confidence
-uses many objects or props -character is portrayed with a good level of confidence
-uses an variety of objects or props in diverse ways -character is portrayed effectively in very confident ways
-very little vocal expression -makes few body movements -does not make good use of stage area -audience is not engaged
-some vocal expression -some body movements used -uses parts of the stage area -audience is somewhat engaged
-uses vocal expression effectively -uses some body movements -uses different stage areas -audience is engaged
-demonstrates variety in voice: volume, tone, pitch -uses body in effective ways -uses all stage areas -audience is fully engaged
-skit is not well rehearsed or planned thoroughly -ideas are scattered -ideas are difficult to understand
-skit shows some signs of planning and rehearsal -ideas make some sense -some details are in place
-skit shows signs of planning and rehearsal -ideas are clear -details are in place
-skit shows all sign of planning and rehearsal -students are very well prepared -performance is polished

Teacher Comments:


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