Empire Skit Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Organization of Script
Script contains no background information on the imperial and nationalist movement; script is written in a sloppy fashion and is full of errors in grammar and usage 0-3 points
Script contains 1/2 page of background information on the imperial and nationalist movement; script is written with minimal attention to detail and contains some errors in grammar and usage 4-6 points
Script contains 1 page of background information on the imperial and nationalist movement; script is written with adequate attention to detail; contains few errors in grammar and usage 7-9 points 7-9 points
Script contains at least 1 page of background information on the imperial and nationalist movement; script is written with exceptional attention to detail and contains few to no errors in grammar and usage 10 points
Knowledge of Unit Content
Students show little or no knowledge of imperialism and nationalist movements; students fail to follow guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 0-3 points
Students show basic knowledge of imperialism with minor misunderstandings; students somewhat follow guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 4-6 points
Students show adequate knowledge of imperialism and nationalist movements; students follow guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 7-9 points
students show advanced knowledge of imperialism and nationalist movements; students exceed guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 10 points
Presentation is done with little to no attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have not been designed creatively 0-3 points
Presentation is done with minimal attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have been given minimal creative thought 4-6 points
Presentation is done with adequate attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have been given adequate creative thought 7-9 points
Presentation is done with exceptional attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have been given exceptional creative thought 10 points
Students lack any depth of unit knowledge; students are unprepared to present their skit and explain it to classmates 0-3 points
Students demonstrate minimal depth of unit knowledge; students are minimally prepared in their presentation of their skit to classmates 4-6 points
Students demonstrate adequate depth of unit knowledge; students are adequately prepared and organized in their presentation of their skit to classmates 7-9 points
Students give an exceptional presentation of skit; students show exceptional depth of unit knowledge; students demonstrate above average preparation and organization 10 points

Teacher Comments:


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