Theater 101

Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Quantity of information communicated
Communicates some information on their topic, but amount is less than adequate
Communicates adequate information on their topic to fulfill the task.
Communicates more information on their topic than required to fulfill the task; includes elaboration and detail. Shows great understanding of their topic
Quality of information communicated
Provides information that is somewhat relevant on the topic but of little value for their audience. Interest is somewhat sustained. Demonstrate an insufficient understanding of the historical and cultural origins of their dramatic form of theater
Provides information that is adequately relevant to their topic and that is beneficial for their audience. Demonstrate an understanding of the historical and cultural origins of their dramatic form of theater
Provides information that is sufficiently relevant and which sustains interest. Provides examples and illustrations to support ideas. Demonstrate an excellent understanding of the historical and cultural origins of their dramatic form of theater
Representation of chosen dramatic form
Creates and performs dramatic presentations that minimally represents their topic. Failure to use conventions and appropriate style for target audience. Audience is not engaged
Creates and performs dramatic presentations that represents their topic,using knowledge of conventions and appropriate style for their target audience. Audience is partially engaged
Creates and performs dramatic presentations that fully represents their topic,using knowledge of conventions, appropriate style for the target audience. Performs a variety of skits to portray their dramatic form. Engages audience fully.
The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation.
Uses few props that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better.
Uses several props that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better.
Organization of presentation
Presentation lacks organization, students do not seem prepared. Information is not easy to follow or understand
Presentation is well organized. Students are prepared.
Presentation is very well organized, information is well structured and easy to understand. Flow of presentation is appropriate

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