Clarity & Coherence
Project ideas and intent
was unclear. Story was incoherent and did not flow.
Project ideas and/or
intent was vague. Finished product was inconsistent
in it's flow.
Project ideas and/or
intent was clear enough to follow. The flow throughout
the project was consistent.
Project ideas and/or
intent was consistent and clear. Group utilized more
than one approach to pull intent through entire piece.
Basic Performance
Actors did not project,
cheat out, counter each other's movements, use the space,
be respectful to each other's presence while on stage,
or were present in moment.
Some of the actors
did not project, counter, use the space, respect others
on stage, or were present in the moment.
Actors accomplished
most of the basic performance etiquette guidelines.
All players were able
to abide by the basic performance etiquette guidelines
in a professional manner.
Project Specifications
Actors were not able
to follow the specifications of the project outline.
Actors paid little
attention to the specifications of the project outline.
Actors missed only
1 or 2 specifications outlined in the project.
Actors accomplished
all the of the specifications outlined in the project.
Cleanliness, focus,
and poignancy of meaning.
Project was sloppy
and the meaning was not evident.
There was some neatness
to the presentation, but not enough for the focus or
meaning to be clear.
Project mostly was
clean, neat, focused, and the meaning was evident.
Cleanliness and focus
were of a professional level, and it assisted the meaning
of the project to come through.
Standard specifications
of the project were met.
Students were able
to meet all standard specifications, and were also able
to add minimal creativity.
Students thought outside
the box and were creative.
Students performance
demonstrated risk taking creativity, and were not conventional
in their work.