180-Second Play Assignment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student's performance shows no preparation.
Student's performance shows little preparation.
Student's performance shows a fair amount preparation.
Student's performance shows abundant preparation.
The student did not come in costume.
The student came in costume, but spent only minimal effort in its creation.
The student came in costume, and spent a fair amount of effort in its creation.
The student came in costume, and spent an abundant amount of effort in its creation.
The students were within 1 minute of 180 seconds for the total time of their play.
The students were within 45 seconds of 180 seconds for the total time of their play.
The students were within 30 seconds of 180 seconds for the total time of their play.
The students were within 15 seconds of 180 seconds for the total time of their play.
The group did not work well as a team.
The group worked only somewhat well as a team.
The group worked fairly well as a team.
The group worked well as a team.
The director did not fulfill his/her responsibilities,and/or the other group members did not give that person proper respect and attention.
The director rarely fulfilled his/her responsibilities,and/or the other group members rarely gave that person proper respect and attention.
The director fulfilled most of his/her responsibilities,and the other group members mostly gave that person proper respect and attention.
The director fulfilled his/her responsibilities,and the other group members gave that person proper respect and attention.

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