Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Creativity/Problem Solving
Work shows little evidence of original thought and design. Copying others' ideas is evident. Attempts at solving the problem are unsuccessful.
Work shows some evidence of original thought and design, although some ideas seem to be copied from others. Application of content knowledge in problem solving is weak.
Work is original and clearly shows evidence of creative thinking and problem solving. Application of content knowledge in problem solving is evident.
Work is very original and shows many examples of creative thinking. Application of content knowledge is evident throughout project.High degree of applying content knowledge in problem solving is evident.
Knowledge of content: -Use of symbols -Personal reference in symbols. -Block printing process
Application of content knowledge is not evident. Work shows little or no understanding of the content of the unit.
Work shows some evidence of a basic understanding of the unit's content in its application to project.
Work shows good understanding of the unit's content in its application to project. .
Work shows exceptional understanding of the unit's content in its application to project.
Use of art elements and principles of design
Project lacks successful design. Work shows little application of art elements and principles of design.
Project shows some evidence of successful application of art elements and principles of design. Overall design is somewhat weak and needs improvement.
Project shows good design and use of art elements and principles of design. Overall design is aesthetically pleasing.
Project shows excellent design and use of art elements and principles of design. Work is highly aesthetically pleasing.
Project is messy and shows little care was taken in its completion. Little or no control over use of materials is evident.
Project shows some care was taken in its completion. A beginning level of control of materials is evident. Overall improvement is needed in control of materials.
Project is neat and shows care was taken in its completion. Good control over materials is evident.
Project is very neatly done and great care in completion is evident. Excellent control of materials is evident.
Completion of project following project directions
Directions were not followed and/or project was not completed.
Some directions were followed, although there are several errors. Project is only partially completed.
Most project directions were followed correctly and project was completed on time.
All project directions were followed and project was completed either on time or ahead of deadline.

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