Accountable Talk in Art
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student will be Accountable to the Learning Community
Student does not participate or may do so in a disrespectful manner; interrupts or calls out in class; does not use talking stems.
Student rarely participates respectfully in class discussions; may interrupt or call out of turn; may not think before speaking or use talking stems.
Student usually listens and participates in discussions; usually waits his or her turn to speak; usually uses talking stems.
Student always listens and respectfully participates in all discussions; Waits turn to speak and builds on the ideas of others; Uses talking stems.
Student will be Accountable to Accurate Knowledge
Student does not connect learning to prior or other subject area learning; Student either does not learn from the "featured artist" or just attempts to "copy" his or her work.
Student rarely connects current learning in art with prior learning or with learning in other subject areas; He or she may begin to use the "featured artist" as inspiration.
Student sometimes connects learning in art with prior learning or with another subject; He or she may use the "featured artist" as an example from which to learn and will apply that learning to his or her own work.
Student always connects new learning with prior learning or learning in another area; Student studies the work of professional artists to learn from when creating his or her own work.
Student will be Accountable to Rigorous Thinking
Student does not explore options, but goes with his or her first idea or thought; Student does not reflect on his or her work and make necessary changes.
Student may briefly explore two options in a superficial way; Student does not often reflect and/or change his or her work or direction.
Student may explore two or three solutions prior to deciding on one; Student sometimes reflects on work and changes direction while creating.
Student will use sound reasoning and evidence to back up his or her reasoning; Student will explore multiple solutions before deciding on one; Student may revise and change directions due to new learning while creating artwork.

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