Altered Book Final - Drawing I
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
BOOK COVER - Create a book cover that is creative and unique. Don't forget a title and author (your) name, just like a regular book. You may use ANY medium that you like.
No cover alteration made.
Minimal alterations are made to the cover (addition of pencil, paint, or marker text of title and/or author over book's original cover.
Book cover has title, author, and some decoration.
Book cover has title, author, decoration, and has been completely transformed to create a new and unique book.
Altered Book Journal Entries - Book should contain all # entries from 3rd & 4th 9 weeks. Create a Table of Contents page that lists each assignment and the page number of where to locate it.
Book contains 8 or less assignments. Work is incomplete and lacking in thought or effort.
Book contains 9-11 assignments. Work is rushed and predictable.
Book contains 12-14 assignments & shows good artistic work & development.
Book contains all 15 assignments and it is clear that the artist spent a lot of time and pride to create each work and explore a variety of mediums over the semester.
Altered Books should include ONLY the pages with artwork or assignments. Additional pages of text should be glued together or removed.
No page alterations have been made.
Book has extra pages of text and pages are stapled together or carelessly ripped out.
Book includes only assignments but is a little messy and rushed. Pages are not evenly cut or glued. Craftsmanship is lacking.
Book is well organized and easy to navigate. It is neat and has undergone complete transformation into a new piece of art.
Completed Final Altered Book assignment is submitted ON TIME 6/2 or 6/3 at the beginning of class period (whatever date your Drawing I class will meet).
Book is not submitted.
Book is turned in 1 day late.
Book is turned in on 6/2 or 6/3 but not at the beginning of the class period.
Book is turned in & on time.

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