Art Criticism
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will examine artworks to form ideas and criteria by which to judge/assess through the first level of art criticism, description in order to inspire personal works and artistic growth,
One quarter or less of all the relative elements present in the work of art are identified listing factual adjectives; the title (If known), date, medium and artist name are not identified accurately.
Half of all the relative elements present in the work of art are identified listing some factual adjectives; the title, date medium, and artist name are identified accurately.
Three quarters of all the relative elements present in the work of art are identified listing factual adjectives: the title, date, medium, and artist name are identified accurately.
All of the relative elements present in the work of art are identified listing factual adjectives; the title, date, medium, and artist name are identified accurately.
Students will examine artworks to form ideas and criteria by which to judge/assess through the second level of art criticism, analyzation in order to inspire personal works and artistic growth,
One quarter of the relative principles present in the work of art are identified; one quarter of the relative principles are discussed with reference to the corresponding elements.
Half of the relative principles present in the work of art are identified; half of the relative principles are discussed with reference to the corresponding elements.
Three quarters of the relative principles present in the work of art are identified; three quarters of the relative principles are discussed with reference to the corresponding elements.
All of the relative principles present in the work of art are identified; all the relative principles are discussed with reference to the corresponding elements.
Students will examine artworks to form ideas and criteria by which to judge/assess through the third level of art criticism, interpretation in order to inspire personal works and artistic growth,
Either the meaning/message, or mood of the work is defined using support and details from one quarter or less of the relative aspects of description and analysis; the critic has not categorized the artwork into any art style.
Either the meaning/message, or mood, of the work is defined using support and details from half the relative aspects of description and analysis; the critic has not categorized the artwork into any art style.
The meaning/message, and mood, of the work are all defined using support and details from three quarters of the relative aspects of description and analysis; the critic has categorized the artwork into an art style.
The meaning/message, and mood, of the work are all defined using support and details from all relative aspects of description and analysis; the critic has categorized the artwork into an art style.
Students will examine artworks to form ideas and criteria by which to judge/assess through the fourth level of art criticism, judgment in order to inspire personal works and artistic growth,
The critic's opinion of the work is unclear and shows support in only one quarter or less of all areas with little reason and rationale based on previous aspects of the critique.
The critic's opinion of the work is vague and supported in only half of all areas with reason and rationale based on previous aspects of the critique.
The critic's opinion of the work is stated clearly and supported in three quarters of all areas with reason and rationale based on some previous aspects of the critique.
The critic's opinion of the work is stated clearly and supported in all areas with reason and rationale based on previous aspects of the critique.

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