Ceramics I, Texture Tiles
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The tiles show a wide variety of textures achieved through different techniques.
The texture is very low relief and appears to be just drawn on.
The texture varies across the surface and was made with either additive or subtractive technique.
The texture was made using additive and subtractive techniques as well as impressed textures.
The tile was made using all of the techniques and the textures chosen vary nicely across the four tiles.
The variety of textures is balanced by an overall sense of unity among the four tiles.
The four tiles show great variety but have little to do with each other.
The four tiles have a similar treatment that ties them together. The view can tell they were all made by the same person.
The four tiles have a unifying mark that travels from one tile to the next, or the tiles are variations on a shared theme.
The shift in textures is masterfully arranged to run across the four tiles.
The tiles are an example of careful craftsmanship.
There are obvious flaws in most of the tiles. It looks rushed. There are sharp edges, inconsistent sizing, or other irregularities.
There is obvious attention to craftsmanship. The tiles do not look rushed, however, some tiles may look better than others.
The tiles are well made. Flaws are few and only noticeable to a keen observer.
All four tiles show uniform attention to fine craftsmanship. There is nothing present that is not intended.
Glaze is applied to enhance the overall look of the tiles.
The glaze was not applied correctly and therefore looks sloppy and detracts from the tiles.
The glaze was applied well, but because glazing is new, the color or finish doesn't help the look of the tiles. Needs more experience.
The glaze was applied well and looks good on the tiles.
The glaze chosen actually makes the tiles look better than they did before. The color and finish enhance texture perfectly. (luck)

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