Complementary Colors Composition
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge and Understanding
demonstrates limited understanding of the relationship between complementary colors
demonstrates some understanding of the relationship between complementary colors
demonstrates considerable understanding of the relationship between complementary colors
demonstrates complete understanding of the relationship between complementary colors
expresses ideas to explain how the design symbols are used in their own art work to communicate meaning with limited effectiveness
expresses ideas to explain how the design symbols are used in their own art work to communicate meaning with some effectiveness
expresses ideas to explain how the design symbols are used in their own art work to communicate meaning with considerable effectiveness
expresses ideas to explain how the design symbols are used in their own art work to communicate meaning with a high degree of effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills to compose a piece of artwork using demonstrated cut-and-paste design on a central theme of choice with limited effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills to compose a piece of artwork using demonstrated cut-and-paste design on a central theme of choice with some effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills to compose a piece of artwork using demonstrated cut-and-paste design on a central theme of choice with considerable effectiveness
applies knowledge and skills to compose a piece of artwork using demonstrated cut-and-paste design on a central theme of choice with a high degree of effectiveness

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