Digital Art
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Your research was very inaccurate because your sources were unreliable
Your research was somewhat inaccurate because your sources were somewhat unreliable.
Your research was accurate, but one or two things were off.
Your research was interesting and accurate, and you used reliable sources.
All sketches were very messy, and it looked like you did not put any work or thought into them.
Most of your sketches were messy, and it looked like you did not put any thought or work into them.
Some sketches were neat, but some of them were messy.
All sketches were very neat and well planned.
Digital Work
Your digital artwork is messy and not well planned, and you did not put care or time into it. It looks like a throw-together
Your digital artwork is messy, and it looks like you barely planned it.
Your digital artwork is clean, but it lacks something that could be added to the piece.
Your digital artwork is clean and high-quality, well planned, and it looks like you put your best work into it.
Portfolio is not organized. Your sketches, digital art, and information is scattered.
Portfolio is not organized. Some of the sketches, digital art, and information is organized.
Portfolio is somewhat organized, most of your sketches, digital art, and information is neat and organized.
Portfolio is organized, neat, and is displayed nicely.
Manages Time
You were barely completing anything during class, and constantly talking.
You were not on task, and got some work done
You were on task most of the time, and got all of your work done
You were on task all of the time and got all of your work done

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