Empire Art Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Organization of 1 Page paper
Paper is vague and disorganized; details are either completely missing or barely understandable; paper is only 1-2 paragraphs long 0-3 points
Paper is somewhat organized; details are generally understandable; paper is 2-3 paragraphs long 3-6points
Paper is well organized; details are well thought out and understandable; paper is 1 page long 7-9 points
Paper is exceptionally written; free from errors in grammar and usage; details are clear and well-stated 10 points
Knowledge of Unit Content
Students show little or no knowledge of imperialism and nationalist movements; students fail to follow guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 0-3 points
Students show basic knowledge of imperialism with minor misunderstandings; students somewhat follow guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 4-6 points
Students show adequate knowledge of imperialism and nationalist movements; students follow guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 7-9 points
students show advanced knowledge of imperialism and nationalist movements; students exceed guidelines on requirements of imperial and nationalist movements 10 points
Art project is done with little to no attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have not been designed creatively 0-3 points
Art project is done with minimal attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have been given minimal creative thought 4-6 points
Art project is done with adequate attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have been given adequate creative thought 7-9 points
Art project is done with exceptional attention to detail; empire and resistance movements have been given exceptional creative thought 10 points
Students lack any articulation of project design and execution; students are unprepared to present their project and explain it to classmates 0-3 points
Students give minimal articulation of project design and execution; students are not well organized in their presentation of their project to classmates 4-6 points
Students give adequate articulation of project design and execution; students are adequately prepared and organized in their presentation of their project to classmates 7-9 points
Students give an exceptional presentation of project design and execution; students are well prepared and organized in their presentation of their project to classmates 10 points

Teacher Comments:


This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com