Final Exam Performance Evaluation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Lip Sync / Song Use
Song did not enhance the performance. Did not fit with story. Student did not lip sync song or put any energy into song performance.
Song choice did enhance performance. Did fit the story. Student did not lip sync or put any energy into song performance.
Song did enhance the performance. It did fit the story. Student would lip sync some of the song and put some energy into performance.
Song did enhance performance. It did fit the story. Student lip synched all of the song and put plenty of energy into song performance.
Student did not wear costume or costume did not enhance the performance because choice made no sense.
Student only wore partial costume or put on jacket to subtly change appearance.
Student's costume was complete and mostly fit into the scene and helped enhance the performance.
Costume made perfect sense with scene and seemed like a seamless addition to performance.
Student barely remembered any lines or remembered no lines at all.
Student remembered some lines but did not remember the song lyrics. Student had to be coached or given lines.
Student remembered most lines but had a few slip ups, or forgot lines momentarily but eventually got it without help.
Student remembered all lines and song lyrics having no difficulty staying in character.
Use of Space/Set
Barely used stage space or use of space seemed forced rather than a natural extension of the scene.
Used some stage stage space but sometimes the stage space felt too cluttered or one sided.
Used most of the appropriate stage space and but occasionally blocking got a little stagnant.
Used all appropriate stage spaces and all set and stage spaced seemed to be used evenly.
Student did not work well with exam group. Student contributed ideas rarely or not at all.
Student worked decently with exam group. Student occasionally contributed usefully and creative ideas.
Student worked well with exam group. Student did not always contribute positive or creative ideas.
Student worked very well with exam group. Student always contributed useful, creative, and positive ideas.

Teacher Comments:


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