Latin American Product Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Product contains good quality information about chosen country
Product contains only basic information, not enough to give reader a good sense of what the country is all about
Product contains some quality information, but could certainly use more to give the reader a good sense of what the country is all about
Product contains good quality information that gives the reader a good sense of what the country is all about
Product contains very good quality information that gives the reader a terrific sense of what the country is all about
Visually Appealing to the reader
Product looks as though it was done quickly, not a lot of time and energy went into it
Product looks somewhat neat and clean, but more time and energy could have gone into it
Product is neat and clean-visually appealing
Product is extremely neat and clean-super visually appealing
Product has been proofread for errors
Product contains errors that are distracting to the reader
Product contains a few errors that may or may not be distracting to the reader
Product contains no more than two errors total
Product contains 0-1 error
Creativity of product
Little creativity-basically a list of facts and little else
Some creativity-could have had more graphics to enhance product
Product is creative
Extreme creativity was used in this product
Bibliographic information is provided
Little information is given about sources used
Some information is given about sources used
Information is given about sources used
Information is given about sources used and is flawless

Teacher Comments:


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