Sculpture - Mask Making
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Rough Work: sketches of mask, research questions, 3 images for inspiration, materials list, mask-making worksheet (slideshow fill in the blank).
Not all of the rough work was completed, 1 image for inspiration, 10 or less materials listed, mask-making worksheet not completed, sketch not completed.
Not all of the rough work was completed, 1-2 images for inspiration, 15 or less materials listed, mask-making worksheet not completed, sketch is incomplete.
Rough work completed. 2-3 images for inspiration, 20 or more materials listed, mask-making worksheet completed, sketch is completed.
Rough work completed. 3 or more images for inspiration, 25 or more materials listed, mask-making worksheet completed, multiple sketches from different angles are completed.
Construction of the mask: built up in layers, with a sturdy base. Form built up and shaped.
The mask is thin and flimsy, layers weren't built up. Form is flat, and without shape.
The mask is thin, layers were slightly built up. Form is slightly shaped.
The mask is sturdy and built up, there are layers (depth to the eyes, apples of the cheeks are visible, chin has a rounded shape).
The mask is sturdy and built up, there are layers (depth to the eyes, apples of the cheeks are visible, chin has a rounded shape). The features are exaggerated and visible from a distance.
Proportion/Symmetry: the features of the mask are in proportion, the mask can be worn (with eye holes), the face is symmetrical.
The features of the mask are not in proportion, the mask cannot be properly worn (the eye holes do not match up with the wearer's face),the face is not symmetrical.
The features of the mask are not in proportion, the mask can be properly worn (the eye holes match up with the wearer's face),the face is slightly symmetrical.
The features of the mask are in proportion, the mask can be properly worn (the eye holes match up with the wearer's face),the face is symmetrical.
The features of the mask are in exact proportion, the mask can be properly worn (the eye holes match up with the wearer's face),the face is symmetrical.
Surface Texture: the mask is sanded and smooth, the texture coordinates with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The mask is rough and unsanded, the texture does not coordinate with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The mask is rough and only sanded slightly, the texture only slightly coordinates with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The mask is smooth and sanded with few errors or bumps, the texture coordinates with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The mask is smooth and sanded with no errors or bumps, the texture coordinates with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
Application of Paint: the paint is mixed well (colors are intentional), is applied in layers, and details are painted. The colors coordinate with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The paint is not mixed well (the colors are dull or flat), the paint is not applied in layers (unpainted parts of the mask are visible), no details are painted. The colors do not coordinate with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The paint is mixed but the colors are dull or flat, the entire mask is painted, but the details are not visible. The colors only slightly coordinate with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The paint is mixed well (colors are intentional), is applied in layers, details are only slightly painted. The colors coordinate with the concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of the mask.
The paint is mixed well (colors are intentional), is applied in layers, and details are painted well. The colors coordinate with The concept/inspiration/region/ spiritual function of The mask.

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