Movement Scene 20!
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Written Summary and Stage Directions
The summary of actions is not clear or is not ordered chronologically. The stage directions are rarely adhered to during performance, and obvious improvisation indicates insufficient preparation.
The summary of actions is clear and ordered chronologically. The stage directions are sometimes adhered to during performance, but a lack of preparation is evident.
The summary of actions is clear and ordered chronologically. The stage directions are for the most part adhered to during performance, and preparation is evident.
The summary of actions is clear and ordered chronologically. The stage directions are adhered to at all times during performance, and a high level of preparation is evident.
Movements show little evidence of rehearsal, and seldom support the character portrayed.
Movements show evidence of rehearsal, but do not always support the character portrayed. Individual actions reveal some important information about the character.
Movements are deliberate and well rehearsed. Individual actions reveal significant information about the character.
Movements are deliberate and well rehearsed. Individual actions clearly support a developing character, and artful use of the body is strongly displayed.
The story does not have a clear beginning, middle, climax and/or end. There is little tension or conflict, and the character is not developed in any significant way.
The story has a clear beginning, middle, climax and end. There is some tension, but the conflict lacks consequences significant to the character portrayed. Few risks were taken to develop the narrative.
The story has a clear beginning, middle, climax and end. There is tension in the scene, and the conflict has relevance to the character. Some risks were taken to develop the narrative.
The story has a clear beginning, middle, climax and end. Tension is palpable, and the conflict has high emotional stakes for the character. Positive risks were taken to develop a compelling narrative.
Use of Space
The acting space is seldom used in a manner significant to the unfolding story and the developing character. There is little interaction with the actor's environment.
The acting space is sometimes used in a manner significant to the unfolding story and the developing character. The actor occasionally interacts with the environment he or she has created.
The acting space is used in a manner significant to the unfolding story and the developing character. The actor is mostly aware of the environment he or she has created.
The acting space is used in a manner significant to the unfolding story and the developing character. The actor is at all times aware of (and interacts with) the environment he or she has created.

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