Obsessive Form
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
You have shown little to no understanding of obsessive for by utilizing little to none of the techniques discussed in class.
You have an adequate understanding of obsessive form and have mostly used the techniques discussed in class to create your form. You have completed the three sketches.
Your work shows an understanding of obsessive form and you have nearly covered all of the techniques discussed in class to create your form. You completed your three sketches
: You have shown an understanding of obsessive form and have used the techniques discussed in class to make your form obsessive. You have also completed three sketches of your object.
Mark Making
You did not utilize the mark making technique throughout your work. You did not complete your practice mark making techniques prior to your final work.
You had a difficult time grasping mark making concepts which reflected within your final work.
You have personalized your mark making skills, practiced them, but did not fully utilize them throughout your work.
You have personalized your mark making skills, practiced them, and utilized them within your final project.
You took little care of the final work of art; the absence of clean line, smudging, and or a general lack of care.
Your work shows an attempt at clean line and little smudging.
Your works shows neat and clean line with little to no smudging.
Your work contains clean lines and any marks are done with purpose and have covered the whole paper.
You did not participate in the in class discussion and did not complete the practice works.
You participated little in the class discussions and did not complete all of the practice work.
You participated in the in class discussions and practice work most of the time.
You participated in all in class discussions and practice work. You have shown an overall good attitude about the project.

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