Packing Tape Sculpture
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
TSW create a sculpture out of packing tape while working in groups of two or three.
Student is unsuccessful in managing the tape to create an identifiable object
Student is able to apply tape into a hand shape and is able to remove it and repair it to be an unseamed 3-Dimensional object
Student is successful at applying the tape and is able to remove it and repair it to be an unseamed 3-Dimensional object. Student has added some aspect of creativity in the final project incorporating color or a different "pose."
Student goes beyond the accomplished level and assists other students outside of his or her group to finish the project.
TSW create a second tape sculpture with an object they have brought from home.
Student is unsuccessful in managing the tape to create an identifiable object
Student is able to apply tape and create the shape of their second object. Student is able to remove it and repair it to be an unseamed 3-Dimensional object
Student is successful at applying the tape and is able to remove it and repair it to be an unseamed 3-Dimensional object. Student has added some aspect of creativity in the final project incorporating color or a different "pose."
Student goes beyond the accomplished level and assists other students outside of his or her group to finish the project.

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