Papermaking with Prints and Stencils
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
TSW create six pieces using handmade paper.
Paper is completed (six sheets).
Papers sheets are symmetrical and bump, ripple-free.
Student has done their work within the standards set by the teacher, but has added an unexpected creative element in his or her composition, such as color or embedded items.
Student has completed the project successfully and has assisted other students and has demonstrated "teaching" while working with others.
TSW create a stencil of the student's hand using a spray bottle technique to mimic cave paintings in France.
The student has experimented with the spray bottles and paints to create a stencil.
The student has successfully created a stencil of their own hand.
The student has shown creativity in their composition and has presented very "neat" work, free of spills or stains.
Student has completed the project successfully and has assisted other students and has demonstrated "teaching" while working with others.
TSW make a "print" of their own hand using brayers and acrylic paint with their handmade paper.
The student has experimented with rolling out the paint and "stamping" with their hands.
The student has completed creating the print with their hand and is competent with the materials.
The student has created an especially "neat" print with no smudges or drips and has shown capability with the materials.
Student has completed the project successfully and has assisted other students and has demonstrated "teaching" while working with others.
TSW carve a "stamp" from the face of a potato using a plastic knife and will make a print using acrylic paint and brayers.
The student has experimented with carving their potato and has made a print using this "stamp."
The student has drawn 3 thumbnails of his or her intended stamp and has carved the selected stamp from the potato and has completed a print.
Student has carved a potato stamp from one of three submitted thumbnail sketches and has created a clean, well-composed print on his or her handmade paper.
The student had shown skill in using the materials. Student has completed the project successfully and has assisted other students and has demonstrated "teaching" while working with others.

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