Readers' Theater Presentations
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Demonstration and Application of Vocal Projection
Poor voice projection in that the volume, intensity, and strength of voice was not audible and/or not effective to characterization. No evidence of use of breathing techniques learned.
Somewhat Poor voice projection in that the volume, intensity, and strength of voice was not consistently audible and/or not effective to characterization. Learned breathe techniques not consistently employed
Somewhat Good voice projection in that the volume, intensity, and strength of voice was audible and/or effective to characterization most of the time. Learned breathe techniques were attempted.
Consistently Strong voice projection in that the volume, intensity, and strength of voice was audible and/or effective to characterization. Learned breathe techniques were successfully employed.
Clarity of Voice including: Diction, Articulation, Inflections, Pitch
Little to no attempt was made to employ the above effects in order to clearly demonstrate the character, produce an interesting and entertaining piece.
Some but limited attempt was made to employ the above effects in order to clearly demonstrate the character, produce an interesting and entertaining piece.
Some attempt was made to employ the above effects in order to clearly demonstrate the character, produce an interesting and entertaining piece but it was inconsistent or ineffective at times.
A strong attempt was made to employ the above effects in order to clearly demonstrate the character, produce an interesting and entertaining piece and the piece was successful received by the audience.
Readers' Theater Elements includes: split-line narration, echoes, choral reading, Foley, vocal overlay, repetition and voicing
Little to no attempt made to apply the conventions of RT to the piece. Static verbatim reading.
Limited or ineffective application of the conventions of RT to the piece. A fair reading of the piece.
Somewhat effective application of the conventions of RT to the piece. A well read piece.
A highly effective application of the conventions of RT to the piece. A entertaining and very well read piece.

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