Rock Painting
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Applied primer or gesso.
Did not apply primer or gesso.
Application was inadequate.
Application was adequate.
Application was outstanding.
Used a pencil to outline image on rock in a independent manner.
Outline was not done or incomplete.
Outline was only completed under direct supervision.
Outline was adequate and independently achieved.
Outline was outstanding. Student worked independently.
Color choices added to the realism of the image.
Color choices were very limited and/or unrealistic.
Color choices were appropriate.
Color choices were appropriate and interesting.
Color choices were outstanding. Colors were realistic, interesting, adding quality to the image.
Image was completely painted.
Painting of image was not finished.
Painting was partially complete.
Painting was complete.
Painting was outstanding.
Student demonstrated that they understood the process of painting on rocks.
Student required constant or almost constant direction. Student did not use most of their time productively. Did not complete any rocks.
Student partially demonstrated an understanding of the process. Student completed at least one rock.
Student followed the process to the best of his or her ability. Problems were solved. Student completed at least one rock.
Student followed the process successfully. Time was used very productively. More than one rock was painted.

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