Street Art
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Demonstrate mastery of colored pencil layering and blending techniques
Layering and blending is not evident
There is a small amount of layering and blending and technique is adequate
There is a large amount of layering and blending and proper technique is well demonstrated
All areas that can be are layered and blended to the highest degree of mastery
Demonstrate the ability to enlarge a portion of an image
Image is not properly enlarged or is too small
Image is only slightly enlarged
Image is properly enlarged to fit the size of the paper
Image is enlarged in excellent proportion and fits the size of the paper
Below average craftsmanship, lack of pride in finished work
Average craftsmanship, adequate, but not as good as it could have been
With a little more effort the work could have been outstanding, lacks finishing touches
The artwork was beautifully and patiently done, it was as good as hard work could make it
The project was completed with minimal effort
Project could have been improved with more effort
Project was completed with a good deal of effort
Project was completed with a tremendous amount of effort
Finished on time
Student rushed through project or didn't finish
Student finished on time but could have worked more slowly for better results
Student finished on time with a good quality project
Student finished on time with an outstanding project

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