The Great Art Heist
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Only events explicitly stated in the notes and evidence are included on the time line. No conclusions are made.
Events on the time line include those outlined in the notes and evidence, as well as one or two events prior or after what was provided. Overall conclusion is not supported by data.
Events on the time line include those outlined in the notes and evidence, plus at least 2 more prior to the actual heist and 2 after. Conclusion is minimally supported by evidence.
Events on the time line include those outlined in the notes and evidence, plus more than 2 prior to the heist and more than 2 after the heist. Conclusions are well supported by the data.
No suspects are identified.
Identifies one or more suspects responsible but is incorrect in the identification.
Correctly identifies one or more suspect but does not identify all of them or can not tell why certain people were responsible (accessories to the crime).
Correctly identifies all people responsible and their specific roles in the heist.
Presentation of the time line is sloppy, does not adhere to the Essential Agreement, not thought out, and/or difficult to read.
Presentation of time line is neatly put together, does not adhere to the Essential Agreement, not thought out, and/or difficult to read.
Presentation of time line is neatly put together, adheres to the Essential Agreement, but lacks planning.
Presentation of time line is neatly put together, adheres to the Essential Agreement, is well planned, and is easy to understand.
Group Cooperation - individual portion of the grade
One of the two partners completed all the work by him/herself while the other did nothing.
One of the two partners completed the majority of the work by him/herself while the other did minimal work throughout the project.
Both partners shared in the responsibility of creating the time line, but one of the partners did slightly more than the other.
Both partners contributed equally to the project.
Paperwork - Suspect Chart, Crime Logs (3 days worth), Hypotheses
More than one of the pieces of paperwork is missing.
More than one of the pieces of paperwork is incomplete OR data was simply copied from the data/evidence onto the crime logs.
The majority of the paperwork is complete, put into the students' own words, and turned in.
All pieces of paperwork are complete,put into the students' own words and turned in.

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