Advertising Media Unit
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identify and state the product being advertised
Could not clearly state the product being advertised
Could identify and state product being advertised
Could identify and state product advertised with evidence from advertisement
Could identify and state product advertised with relevant and descriptive evidence from the advertisement
Identify and state the key phrase used by media advertisement (Overt message)
Could not clearly state the key phrase used by media advertisement
Could identify and state key phrase used by media advertisement
Could identify and state key phrase used by media advertisement with evidence from advertisement
Could identify and state key phrase used by media advertisement with evidence, distinguishing it from other information present
Could identify and state the 4 elements used by media advertisement to capture reader's attention: language, colors, design layout, pictures/photos
Could identify and state 1-2 elements used by media advertisement to capture reader's attention
Could identify and state 2-3 elements used by media advertisement to capture reader's attention
Could identify and state 3-4 elements used by media advertisement to capture reader's attention with some explanation of their effectiveness
Could identify and state all the elements used by media advertisement to capture reader's attention with explanation of how their effectiveness contributes to gaining the reader's attention
Identify and state implied message conveyed by media advertisement
Could not identify and state the implied message conveyed through media advertisement (not clear)
Could identify but not clearly state the implied message conveyed through media advertisement (some understanding)
Could identify and state the implied message conveyed through media advertisement with some evidence from advertisement (identifying 2-3 elements used to convey implied message)
Could identify and state the implied message conveyed through media advertisement with evidence from the advertisement (identifying and explaining how all 4 elements were used to convey implied message)
Could clearly summarize and restate in their own words,in a short paragraph, who the target audience was, what the media advertisement was trying to accomplish and how effective they were.
Could briefly summarize what the product advertisement was about in their own words
Could briefly summarize in their own words what the product advertisement was about,identifying who the target audience was
Could briefly summarize in their own words what the product advertisement was trying to accomplish, identify who the target audience was, and evaluate the advertisements' effectiveness with some explanation
Could briefly summarize in their own words what the product advertisement was trying to accomplish, identify who the target audience was, and evaluate and explain the advertisement's effectiveness by explaining how several media elements contributed to its effectiveness

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