Apple Case Analysis
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Company overview and competitive analysis
One or more major topics were not addressed. Depends on over generalizations for support. General summarizing rather than analysis.
Analysis fails to build an understanding of Apple's product mix and/or competitive forces which threaten product success.
Analysis builds an understanding of Apple's product mix and the competitive forces which threaten product success.
Analysis builds a thorough and accurate understanding of Apple's product mix and the competitive forces which threaten product success.
SWOT Analysis
Analysis fails to adequately identify Apple's external and/or internal environments
Analysis excludes some of the important elements of Apple's external and/or internal environments.
Analysis includes significant elements of Apple's external and internal environments.
Analysis comprehensively describes the elements of Apple's external and internal environments.
Strategy Review: Discussion of problems and solutions
Assessment and/or business strategy recommendations are incomplete.
Review does not fully describe Apple's competitive strategy. Convincing evidence to support recommended strategic action is missing.
Significant discussion and conclusions from the analysis are delivered. Presents good evidence in support of recommended strategic proposals.
Review provides a comprehensive description of the competitive strategy used by Apple in the marketplace. Excellent discussion and strong conclusions are drawn from the analysis.
Writing Style
The information appears disorganized and poorly written. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors
Information is organized but not clearly and concisely written. A few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
Information is organized and is articulated in a generally direct style. Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors
Information is very organized and clearly articulated in a direct and persuasive style. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
Use of Sources
Sources are not properly documented. Depends on over generalizations for support. General summarizing rather than analysis
All sources are documented, but many are not in the proper format. Often uses generalizations to support thesis. Examples may not be relevant.
All sources are documented but a few are not in the proper format. Begins to offer reasons to support thesis by interpreting information and explaining connections. Provides relevant examples.
All sources are accurately documented in the proper format. Uses supporting documentation appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence and explanation to convince.

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