Career Portfolio PowerPoint Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
0-10 points. Many of the required slides are missing. Topic is addressed, but more information is required.
11-20 points. Less than 5 slides have relevant information. More material or elaboration of the subject is required.
21-30 points. 5-10 slides required. Topic is discussed, but more information is required.
31-40 points. 5-10 slides required. Slides contain all information requested. Topic is discussed clearly & well organized.
0-10 points. Speakers voice is not loud or clear. Speaker simply reads directly from the presentation. No eye contact with the audience.
11-20 points. Speaker presents in a voice that is sometimes clear, but continually reads directly off the presentation. Little eye contact with audience.
21-30 points. Speaker presents in a loud, clear voice, but reads off the screen consistently. Some eye contact with the audience.
31-40 points. Speaker presents in a loud, clear voice and does not read from screen. Connects with the audience and makes good eye contact.
0-10 points. The slides are not legible. The amount of text is too great for The space provided. There is little or no use of graphics. The info does not support The images.
11-20 points. Slides are legible. Amount of text is too great for slides. Less than 1/2 of The slides have graphics. Information supports images at times.
21-30 points. Slides are attractive. Text is legible. More than half of The slides use graphics and effects to enhance presentation. Info is supported by The images.
31-40 points. Slides are attractive. Test is legible. Graphics & effects are used throughout to enhance presentation Information is at The advanced level and consistently supports images.
Grammar and Mechanics.
1-10 points. Many grammar or mechanical errors in The presentation.
11-20 points. There are 3 or More errors in: spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
21-30 points. There are 1-2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
31-40 points. Capitalization and punctuation are used correctly throughout The presentation.
0 points. Less than three references.
20 points. Three references, but no books.
21-30 points. At least three references (one a book, but not in alpha order or formatted correctly.
30-40 points. At least three references (one a book) in alphabetical order and correctly formatted in MLA format.

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