Career Research Paper
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Prep Work for Research Paper: source cards, note cards, outline
No cards and/or outline present; cards and/or outline do not meet minimum standards or MLA format (3 source cards, 35 note cards); outline missing most of key components of research
Source and note cards present, but do not meet minimum requirements OR do not meet MLA format; outline missing key components of research
Source and note cards meet requirements and MLA format with few errors; outline contains key components of research with few errors
Source and note cards meet/exceed requirements and MLA format; outline contains key components of research without errors
Research Paper Content
Content not consistent with outline and/or out of order from outline; little or no support/evidence documented in paper; no flow in text; many errors in grammar and conventions
Content not consistent with the outline; support/evidence not documented well and/or does not flow in paper; many errors in grammar and conventions
Content consistent with outline; support/evidence well documented and flows fairly well in paper; correct grammar and conventions with few errors
Content consistent with outline and thoroughly detailed; support/evidence well documented with exceptional flow in paper; correct grammar and conventions with few errors
MLA Format #1 (margins, font, double spaced, headers, length)
major errors in margins, font style and/or size, DS, headers, and length
errors in margins, font style and/or size, DS, headers, and length
1" margins, New Times Roman size 12 font; DS, correct headers and title format, 3 typed pages
1" margins; New Times Roman size 12 font; correct headers and title format, 4 or more typed pages
MLA Format #2 (parenthetical citation, quotes and/or paraphrasing, works cited page)
incorrect or no parenthetical citation in the paper; incorrect paraphrasing and/or plagiarized in the text; incorrect or no works cited page; sources in the paper are not cited on works cited page
major errors in parenthetical citation in the paper; incorrect use of paraphrasing and quotes in the text; major errors in works cited page; not all sources in paper are listed on works cited page
correct parenthetical citation in the paper with minor errors; correct use of paraphrasing and quotes in the text; correct works cited page; all sources cited on works cited page present in the paper
correct parenthetical citation in the paper; exceptional use of paraphrasing and quotes in the text; correct works cited page; all sources cited on works cited page present in the paper

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