Careers Collage and Presentation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Followed the Success Criteria and incorporated all 6 areas of information (career, environment, tools/equipment, people related to work, education and vocabulary).
Did not follow the Success Criteria, the collage did not evidently reflect the 6 areas of information (2 or less were reflected).
Somewhat followed the Success Criteria, the collage reflected 3 of the 6 areas of information.
Followed the Success Criteria, the collage reflected 4.5 of the 6 areas of information.
Expertly followed the Success Criteria, 5-6 of the 6 areas of information were evident in the collage.
Used all class and lab time available to work on the research for the collage.
Did not utilize the time given in a productive manner, wasted much of the time given.
Used some of the time given in an appropriate manner, more focus on the assignment during these times was needed.
Used class time available to work on the assignment, was focused and little to no reminders were needed to remain on task.
Consistently used class time to work on the assignment, no reminders were needed to remain on task.
The collage was neat, organized and demonstrated an effort.
The collage was messy and did not qualify as a collage (little to no images and spread out amongst assignment). More time printing, arranging and organizing was needed.
The collage was somewhat clear, however it did not qualify as a collage (lacked in images and spread out amongst assignment) More focus on printing, arranging and organizing was needed.
Collage was nicely put together and reflected the Success Criteria, images were plentiful and neatly arranged.
Collage was meticulously put together and reflected the Success Criteria, images were plentiful and neatly arranged.
Prepared for presentation.
Was not prepared for the presentation on the day. Materials and supports were not finished and/or present and did not take the presentation seriously.
Was somewhat prepared for the presentation on the day. Materials and supports were not finished and/or did not take the presentation seriously..
Was prepared on the day of the presentation with all materials and supports. Took the presentation seriously.
Was expertly prepared on the day of the presentation with all materials and supports. Took the presentation seriously.
Question asked of the audience.
Did not prepare a question in advance.
Question was lacking in originality as it had been re-used throughout several presentations (was not written down or prepared prior to handing in work).
Question was well prepared and written specific to the assignment.
Question was very well written and reflected thought and effort.

Teacher Comments:


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