Using A Checking Account
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Checks completed with date, payee, numerical dollar amount, worded dollar amount, purpose of check, and signature.
Dates included on all checks written.
Checks filled out with partial (50%) information missing.
Checks dollar amount matches worded dollar amount.
Checks signed properly (first/last name or initials/last name).
Checks written in order of occurrence.
Checks written matches registry with check number, date, payee, and dollar amount.
Voided checks also recorded in registry log.
Checks written, deposits, and withdrawals logged in registry log.
All financial transactions written in order according to scenario.
Calculations in registry accurate and in correct column.
Withdrawals subtracted from running balance.
Deposits added to running balance.
Registry up-to-date with balance showing.
Dollar amounts (deposits and withdrawals) in correct column.
Deposit slips filled out properly with date, signature (if needed), currency, coins, checks, amounts being deposited, total.
Deposit slip signed if cash is being received.
Checks being deposited listed either on front or back of deposit slip.
Total being deposited shown on deposit slip.
Back of checks being deposited completed properly.
Monthly reconciliation performed to balance statement with checking registry.
Checking registry and monthly statement balance after reconciliation done
Outstanding checks or deposits included in monthly statement worksheet.
Outstanding ATM/other withdrawals included in statement worksheet.
Items listed in checking registry and checked off against transactions listed on monthly statement.

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