Consultation Script Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Are all the established consultation elements from discussion/text book included?
Very minimal use, if any of the consultation elements are present in the script.
Some use of consultation elements are presented in the script.
Most of the consultation elements are presented in the script.
All of the consultation elements are demonstrated in the consultation script
Is there enough information presented for the stylist to have a strong understanding of the clients needs and perform the service?
Stylist is unable to understand what the client is asking for in their service. Stylist is not able to provide the service with the information present.
Stylist is able to understand some of the clients needs, but is not able to properly provide the service that the client is requesting due to the information provided.
Stylist and Client have a fairly strong channel of communication. With the information provided, the stylist has an understanding of the clients needs and will be able to deliver the service confidently
Stylist and Client have a high level of communication and are both very confident in the level of understanding presented. Stylist will be able to provide exactly what the client is requesting.
Are the questions in the consultation presented in a logical timeline?
Steps of the consultation are arranged in a disorganized and illogical manner.
Some steps of the consultation are arranged in an organized and logical manner.
Most of the steps of the consultation are arranges in an organized and logical manner.
The consultation script is presented with a logical timeline and flow.
Is the discussion between the client and stylist realistic?
Discussion is unrealistic between client and stylist and would not occur in the salon environment.
Discussion is somewhat realistic, although it would most likely not happen in the way that it is presented.
Discussion is fairly realistic, and may occur in a salon environment.
Discussion is very realistic and is easily pictured occurring frequently in the salon.

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